- Bing adds CDC coronavirus self-checker chatbot to search results pages
Using this feature people can interact with the self-checker to assess their symptoms right from the search results.

Usually, the chat section in search result pages is not common. We can expect Bing may implement this feature to more contexts.
Have a check at here: https://www.bing.com/search?q=corona&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN
- Google Announces Free Listings for Google Shopping
The free listings will be displayed much like the organic search results that we are so used to. Paid shopping ads will be listed in the upper most positions and above the free natural shopping listings below.

In the announcement they said, “With hundreds of millions of shopping searches on Google each day, we know that many retailers have the items people need in stock and ready to ship, but are less discoverable online.”
View sample here: https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-uniblog-publish-prod/original_images/04-20-2020-1.gif
This feature first will be available in the US only. By the end of the year, They will expand globally.
- Support for SpecialAnnouncement schema
Through webmaster twitter handle, Google announced the search will adopt the “SpecialAnnouncemen” structured data type:
Embed: https://twitter.com/googlewmc/status/1245147584970145793
Currently, the support is still in development, but they have published guidelines for using it: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/special-announcements
- Google will roll out identity verification program to all advertisers
As part of this initiative, advertisers will be required to complete a verification program in order to publish ads on Google. Advertisers will need to submit personal identification, business incorporation documents, or other information that proves who they are and the country in which they operate.
In the announcement they said” This change will make it easier for people to understand who the advertiser is behind the ads they see from Google and help them make more informed decisions when using our advertising controls. It will also help support the health of the digital advertising ecosystem by detecting bad actors and limiting their attempts to misrepresent themselves.”

- New “Start Chatting” feature on Reddit
With this new feature, Reddit users can visit a community and click on the ‘Start Chatting’ prompt, which will then match them with other members of that community in a small group chat. In their blog, they said “we’ve created a new tool that makes it easier to find other people who want to talk about the same things you do.”

Official blog: https://www.reddit.com/r/blog/comments/gacdqy/new_start_chatting_feature_on_reddit/
- Facebook launches human like chat boats
Facebook AI has built and open-sourced Blender, the largest-ever open-domain chatbot. They said, it outperforms others in terms of engagement and also feels more human, according to human evaluators.
From the launch of this chatbot, we can expect they are also in for the virtual assistant AI devices that can be connected to smart devices.

View it here: https://ai.facebook.com/1319742961447503/videos/226218965277019/
8. Virtual interview tool from Linkedin
LinkedIn has added a new way to help employers and candidates connect via video – an increasingly important consideration during the COVID-19 lockdowns - while it’s also launching a new, AI-enabled assessment tool that can help interview candidates better prepare for the interview process.
Official Blog at https://blog.linkedin.com/2020/april-/30/introducing-new-ways-to-get-ready-for-the-virtual-job-interview